
Kajiu Falls

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Chapter 13: A Fallen Guardian


Rodan swooped down on the newborn Kajiu with his readied talons, grabbing the giant larva by its back and flew up in the air, while Wendy continued to shout to Rodan, demanding him to stop what he was doing, as Pacifica began to suddenly panic for the larva’s wellbeing despite barely even knowing it.

“NO! Put it down!” Shouted Pacifica to Rodan, ignoring the blond as the pteranodon lifted the larva away, struggling to break free of the painful grip while Pacifica marched angrily towards Wendy. “Make your damn bird put him down!”

“Rodan hasn’t been the greatest listener recently.” Replied Wendy, unsure what to do now. “Don’t get that angry at him, he thought we were in trouble.”

“He’s YOUR monster, meaning he’s YOUR responsibility. Find some way to make him stop.” Demanded the blond.

“I don’t know how-

“DO IT!”

The larva then stopped for a while, feeling a sudden surge of energy inside as its horn started to crackle with orange-yellow energy. Picking its head up, the larva released that same energy into a furious blast of electrical energy, hitting Rodan at his chest and shocking the pteranodon from the pain, making him release the larva as it plummeted back down on the shore, making Dipper shout out to everyone around.


Noticing the falling Kajiu, everyone around began to run in all directions that were away from the larva, as it crashed down hard in the ground on top of its egg shell, shattering the rest of the pieces and knocking down the G-squad and Pacifica who were the closest. Luckily for them, the fall didn’t make them fly ten feet in the air and crack their skulls open, instead they just landed on the ground with a bruise or two but nothing severe.

The larva managed to recover itself quickly, getting up as Rodan swooped down for another attack, this time going in beak first to cause swift damage to the larva. The larva saw this attack coming this time, and began to have purple energy crackle around its large red eyes, as it shot purple electrical blasts from both eyes at the incoming pteranodon, the blasts going in several directions until it managed to hit Rodan’s wings, causing the flying Kajiu to lose control of its direction from the electrical surge of pain and crash land into the ground close to the larva.

While the humans were trying to run to a safer distance and not get caught in the Kajiu crossfire, the larva began to crawl up to the downed Rodan attempting to get up, violently bashing the pteranodon down with its horn to stop its attempts to get up, until Rodan followed up with a wakeup attack, using his surprisingly durable wings to knock the larva back to stop its constant horn attacks.

The larva recovered from the swift attack and began to bash violently at Rodan, who used his wings to block each attack, which became more and more painful with each hit, as the larva used its horn as a battering ram to bludgeon the pteranadon’s wings and wanted nothing more than to beat its opponent to a bloody pulp out of rage from the pain.

Using his natural speed, Rodan began to return the favor of constant physical punishment with his own, bashing the larva left and right, using his durable wings to throw punches across the larva’s head until Rodan swung both wings upward like an uppercut, flinging the larva backwards into the lake and causing an enormous splash and rapid tides.

“Rodan! Just stop already!”

Rodan turned his head around, seeing a visibly frustrated and saddened Wendy staring right at him, shaking her head at the Pteranodon who became calmer when he saw his best friend unharmed.

“Please… Stop.”

Rodan then looked around at the other humans, seeing that they all wanted this conflict to end as well until the larva reemerged from the lake, now even more furious than ever and released more purple bursts of energy from its eyes at Rodan, who quickly blocked himself with his wings despite feeling more electrical pain, as the purple energy burst scattered around without control, hitting the areas near the humans as they ran and were almost blasted as Wendy was flung back from the impact around her, making Rodan feel a rage inside when he saw that.

“Wendy!” Exclaimed Dipper, running over to the red head in panic while Rodan’s foe wildly blasted all around the pteranodon.

Dipper managed to avoid the blasts despite how erratic they were, and managed to help Wendy up and run back with her to Pacifica and the rest of the G-squad, now in a safer distance to hop that the Kajiu conflict ends quickly.

Rodan, now feeling a raging fury burn inside him, very similar to Godzilla’s when he first fought Ganimes a few days earlier, began to crackle red energy from the horns on his head and beak, until the pteranodon let out a concentrated red beam out of his mouth, hitting the larva directly and causing it to stop shooting out purple bursts of energy and roar in pain.


The larva countered Rodan with its own ranged attack from its horn, releasing the more concentrated energy burst at Rodan, who in return released another red beam as both attacks hit each other perfectly, resulting in a mass explosion of energy between both Kajiu that ripples throughout the area of the lake and pushes the larva further outward, while Rodan flapped his wings in front to dodge the energy blast and went backwards further inland, as Rodan let out a victory roar that was much more triumphant and intimidating than his usual roars.


While Rodan celebrated his victory, the rest of the humans were just relived that nothing important was ruined by the Kajiu combat. Wendy was quite impressed at Rodan’s new ability, but was still angry at Rodan for not listening to anything she said, though not as angry as Pacifica, who was shocked to see that her new larva friend was still alive, managing to resurface from the lake again, but barely able to crawl back to shore.

Rodan noticed the larva as well, and began to charge up his new beam attack to finish off the larva, until Mothra managed to arrive just in time to stop Rodan, curled up and rolling towards the pteranodon and hit him right on his back to knock him down, while Anguirus rolled close behind his larva companion.

“Oh thank goodness.” Said Mabel with relief in her voice.

“Your monsters are here to ruin everything else?” Responded Pacifica in a vile tone.

Mabel just shook her head and pointed at the Kajiu. “No, look.”

Observing the situation at hand, it appeared that Mothra was actually trying to stop Rodan, as she chirped at the pteranodon to ask what was going on, with Rodan squawking back as if he was arguing with Mothra, to the point where he was just ignoring her.

The humans began to feel safer now that Mothra was around along with Anguirus, with the G-squad and Pacifica walking towards the Kajiu and seeing the newborn larva from afar the lake crawling back towards the lake shore to where the humans were at, with Rodan about to launch another beam at the larva, interrupting the chirping Mothra.

Mothra then sprayed silk at the pteranodon’s head, annoying Rodan and stopping him from attacking any further to continue her lecture, with Anguirus letting out a small roar as if he found the scene humorous.

Mothra had no intentions of making this humorous, she was a peacemaker first and a fighter last, and seeing others get hurt without warning who had no intention of hurting anyone, it was vital that she upholds herself as guardian of earth by being kind and disciplining her fellow guardians when necessary, especially since Godzilla was gone. But she couldn’t help but feel that there was something strange about the new Kajiu despite her peacemaker attitude, something that felt wrong that she didn’t like, as if the new Kajiu wasn’t so new to her.

The larva from the lake eventually managed to crawl back to shore, barely able to survive another blast from Rodan as Pacifica ran up to the Kajiu, embracing it warmly and still feeling as if the creature was a kindred spirit despite the possible mass destruction it could have caused if it was any closer to town.


The blond turned around to see Mabel looking at the blond with an apologetic look, feeling bad for Pacifica and her new Kajiu friend.

“I’m so sorry, Pacifica.” Said Mabel softly, hoping that the blond will accept her apology. “I don’t know how else to make this up to you but… I want to at least get the chance for you to know that I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, and neither did Dipper.”

Dipper then walked next to Mabel, sharing a similar look as his sister after worrying about Wendy, which Pacifica could see in the corner of her eye and realized something very quickly about her former boyfriend.

“Mabel’s telling the truth. I’m sorry as well for just, leaving you like that without saying anything, and I hope that your Kajiu will-


Pacifica just lowered her head, unable to process all of her emotions at once.

“I’m leaving.”


“NO!” Pacifica exclaimed to Dipper. “I just want to go home and… I need to think.”

Sensing that Pacifica was emotionally stressed, the horned larva gave the Pine twins a mean glare to make them step away, which they did so that the two could leave without escalating things.

“Bye guys.” Said Pacifica lightly before walking away with her new Kajiu friend. “Dad. Can we just go now?”

“Of course, sweetie.” Replied Preston in a softer tone to appease his daughter. “We got what we wanted, something better actually.”

The Northwests then dispersed from the beach with their bodyguards, who just shuddered out of fear now that they had to deal with a fifty meter Kajiu around the mansion, while the rest of the crowd began to disperse and continue their everyday lives in the town, along with the Kajiu such as Rodan, who after having being lectured by Mothra, went back to soaring the skies around the lake, while Anguirus decided to lay down by the shore to relax.

“Well… that was awkward.” Pointed out Soos, as the Pine twins just stared at Pacifica leaving until coming out of their saddened states.

“She’s really pissed.” Commented Wendy, crossing her arms at the sight. “I don’t mean just teenage hormone pissed, I mean PISSED.”

“Oh jeez.” Dipper exhaled heavily. “Should I go talk to her?”

Wendy then put her hand on Dipper’s shoulder. “No dude, give her time. Trust me.”

Dipper took the advice to heart, despite wanting to talk it out with Pacifica and try to make amends now.

The G-squad was thankful that the Kajiu fight occurred at the shore of the lake instead of in town, though the destruction was still relevant here, with smoking craters and cracked ground, even a few empty boats were destroyed and were floating debris in the lake, but nothing too destructive.

“Do you think that new Kajiu will play nice now?” Asked Wendy, concerned about the new Kajiu’s presence.

Dipper just shrugged. “Rodan beat the crap out of it, but it’s not just that thing to be worried about.”

“What do you mean?” Asked Mabel, just as curious as Soos and Wendy about Dipper’s vague answer.

“I’ve noticed something very strange about Pacifica and that Kajiu. It seemed to get angry when Pacifica was angry at us, and it stopped attacking when Pacifica was in trouble”

The answer made the rest of the G-squad look at each other in great concern.

“They bonded. Just like us with our Kajiu.”

“That can’t be so bad, right? Pacifica will stop being mad at us and we’ll be friends again with her new Kajiu.” Said Mabel, trying to brush off the dangers of the new Kajiu to maintain optimism. “So what if Pacifica has a creepy bat caterpillar thing?”

“Bat Caterpillar… Batterpiller.” Said Soos in dramatic fashion.

“Something’s telling me that so called “Batterpiller” looking like Mothra is no coincidence.” Said Dipper, wondering if a theory he had in mind is true.

“What? Like it’s some kind of evil twin or something?”

The G-squad fell silent after Mabel’s last question, until the optimistic girl broke out with a ‘Pfffft’

“Come on, Dippingsauce. That’s way too obvious.”

Dipper frowned. “Sometimes it doesn’t need to be subtle.”

“That’s what makes it even more evil.” Agreed Soos.

Mabel then argued back. “It just got a little angry, that’s it. Kajiu can’t be evil just because.”

“We should ask Lora and Moll.” Wendy suggested, wanting this argument to come to a proper conclusion. “They know their Kajiu pretty well.”

Mabel sighed. “I guess, but it’s not evil. And we all know Pacifica isn’t evil either.”

The group stayed silent while Mabel continued. “When we first met her, we thought she was well… a meanie. But then she showed us who she really was, a misunderstood girl with a rough past. I think the same goes for that new Kajiu too, that’s why they clicked. They understood each other.”

Dipper knew his sister had a point, Pacifica really wasn’t so bad after all, remembering when she showed her true colors two years ago, along with their more personal moments together, and he did think that Godzilla and the other Kajiu were just as bad the first time he saw them, maybe Pacifica’s Kajiu was the same.

“Maybe. But Lora and Moll would know.”

The G-squad agreed with Dipper on that notion, going to Soos’s truck to drive to the Mystery Shack and hoped to get a hopefully right answer to the new Kajiu, speeding away to tell the twin fairies about their newest Kajiu encounter.

Maybe it won’t be so bad?


“Did you say Batterpiller?” Asked the twin fairies, standing on the gift shop counter with the G-squad, shocked to hear Soos’s description.

“Yeah little dudes, it looked like a combo with a bat and a caterpillar. Kind of ugly, but really awesome. Oh, and it had fricking laser beams, dudes. Laser beams.”

The twin fairies were just shocked at the description, as if an old wound was opened up while they whispered one word to each other.


Being an expert on picking up whispers, Wendy raised an eyebrow at the name. “Whatra?”

“Battra.” The fairies spoke louder. “The Kajiu’s name is Battra.”

“Okay, so its name sounds similar to Mothra and it does sound pretty sinister. It can’t be that bad, right?” Asked Mabel, hoping that the fairies didn’t say Battra’s name out of fear.

The fairies answered back fearfully. “It is bad. Battra is an old foe of Mothra and of humanity.”

“How’s that?”

The fairies then began to explain their concerns, preparing to tell an old tale.

“Eons ago, Mothra and Battra were once best friends, both guardians of the earth to defend it from all threats that would come to it. But when humanity created civilization on earth and started to expand, the guardian’s relationship began to skewer.”

“One liked humans and the other didn’t.” Guessed Dipper, to which the fairies nodded in response.

“Mothra always sees hope despite all things evil, knowing that humans could still be good without malicious intent. Battra disagreed however, he had always seen humanity as nothing but monstrous and destructive, always wanting to cause chaos at every moment.”

“Hmm.” That was all Dipper could say about that statement, both sides of Mothra and Battra being conflicting and hard to choose.

“At first there were mere arguments shared between the guardians, nothing that could sever their close bond. But one day, the earth began to change for the worse. The air was filled with black smoke, while toxic sludge poisoned the oceans, all coming from the industrial factories humanity started to build to further their own kind’s needs and making the planet suffer.”

“I’d imagine Battra didn’t take it that well.” Said Wendy, getting another nod in response.

“Battra was furious at humanity’s wrongdoings, they were harming the planet that he was protecting. Mothra tried her best to calm him, but his rage made him clash blows with Mothra, turning against his former guardian and best friend and engaged in frequent battles to determine humanity’s fate, but only to destroy their civilization, not their species.”


“Until humanity ended its most deadly war with its deadliest weapons, nuclear weaponry. With the true power of destruction in humanity’s hands, Battra had finally declared war on the humans and began a bloody conquest to wipe their entire species off the planet, so rage filled that he had relinquished his guardian duties and became the very thing he hated but failed to realize, a destroyer of earth. Battra’s rage blinded him from the devastation he had begun to cause the earth and forced Mothra to fight her former friend and guardian, engaging in a bloody war for earth that lasted for years.”

“Let me guess, Mothra won?” Inquired Dipper, being surprised that the fairies shook their heads this time instead of nodding.

“Not exactly. The conclusion of their war came when Godzilla was caught in the middle, off on his own path of vengeance in Tokyo where the two former friends fought as well, interrupting the conflict and nearly destroying Mothra and Battra until they decided to team up one last time to get rid of the bigger threat, able to weaken him enough to carry him out to the ocean to be rid of Godzilla, who struggled until managing to break free and took down Battra with him to the bottom of the ocean, we had no idea he even survived until now.”

Yet another interesting story was told to the G-squad, a tale of an old friendship turned sour, similar to what the Pine twins have with Pacifica, excluding the possible death of humanity of course.

“See? I knew it was evil.” Dipper said while making an ‘I told you so’ face at Mabel, who did not take kindly to her brother’s know it all attitude.

“Battra was just angry and with good reason, we can be pretty mean.”

“And you wanted Battra to kill us all instead?”

“No, but-

Dipper interrupted with a raised voice. “But nothing. Battra is dangerous Mabel, and after what Lora and Moll told us and how violent it was with Rodan, I’m starting to worry about Pacifica and the rest of this town, heck, and the world even.”

“He seemed to like Pacifica.”

“Seemed to.” Said Dipper, as Dipper put empaths on those two words. “Battra probably just acted like he cared.”

Mabel then raised her voice at Dipper, exclaiming without her usual sense of happiness. “What about our Kajiu? Do they care about us or are they just acting like it too?”

Wendy then stepped in between the two. “Guys, take it easy. You two already argued with Pacifica, you don’t need to make anything worse.”

“But we have to do something about Battra, what if he-

Dipper then turned to the twin fairies. “I’m sorry I got caught up but, what do you think about Battra now? Do you think he changed?”

“We know many things, Dipper. But they are not always certain with Kajiu. They are creatures that we may never truly understand or know how they really feel about everything. But if this Pacifica you told us about is true, she will need to take great care with her negative emotions around Battra, the one thing we do know about him is how prone he is to anger.”

“Well, talking to her now is not a good idea. She’ll just get angrier if you keep insisting.” Advised Wendy, while Dipper just shrugged his shoulders, unsure what to do.

“Then I guess there’s only one option left. We wait.”

The rest of the G-squad had to agree with that, since they didn’t have any other ideas on how to handle this any better without causing some emotional damage, Pacifica wouldn’t want to see the Pine twins on her doorstep, she also wouldn’t want to see Wendy since Rodan is her Kajiu who beat Battra down, and Pacifica wouldn’t talk to Soos since he was friends with them.

All they could do was hope that Pacifica’s negative emotions wouldn’t influence Battra to rage once more.


“Goddamnit Dad, I will never be like you!”

The shouts came from Pacifica, who had just stormed outside into the spacious backyard where Battra resided, and slammed the large backyard doors to get away from her controlling father, staring up into the night sky after a rough day.

The two years when the Pine twins had gone weren’t easy for her, since she still had to endure her controlling parents, trying to mold her into what they were despite what had happened with the ghost, and combining that with her unhappy reunion with the Pines and built up teenage angst, she just couldn’t stop being angry.

Battra could sense her anger and rage all day, which only fueled his desire to let it out once more eons ago, it reminded him of how angry he was at humanity for their evil deeds upon the earth, along with the treachery of his closest friend and ally, which seemed similar to Pacifica’s woes as well.

He didn’t know what and why exactly he was so drawn to the blond, she was a human, the vile and disgusting creature he wanted to kill off, yet this one just seemed to be so… relatable, a kindred spirit of a sort. He even had a thought pass through about a previous quarrel with Mothra, something about that not all humans were as bad as he thought. Maybe she had a point, but it had to only be Pacifica, he didn’t want to jump to the conclusion that all humans had good in them like Mothra believes, just thinking about the former Kajiu friend made him angry as well.

“You’re all I have left now.”

Battra heard the soft voice come from Pacifica, who was in near tears as she walked up to the giant larva, making him actually pity the human’s sorrows.

“Everyone I know is just an asshole or a liar now. I have parents trying to control and change me, friends who I thought cared but lied to my face, even someone I loved who just-

Pacifica then growled angrily, as if expressing her emotions to Battra seemed to make her rage stronger as well.

“I can’t believe I’m talking to a giant caterpillar.”

Battra actually felt offended until what Pacifica said next.

“But for some reason, I feel like you understand me.” Said Pacifica, sighing to attempt to calm herself. “I don’t know why I think that, but you and me seem like we’re against the world at this point. Just having this deep feeling that you want to make it… burn.”

Battra then growled deeply to Pacifica, as if in agreement with Pacifica and in encouragement to express her deep emotions more.

“You heard me, just burn. I just want everything to burn and destroy anything around me. I don’t think I should even tell you this but, I just feel like I want those… you know who’s to die.”

Battra growled once more in agreement, making Pacifica feel eerily comfortable, unsure if it was a good idea to let out her anger to Battra but continued regardless.

“Dipper, Mabel, they never went through what I had to go through, they never had parents like mine. All they had were happy memories and dumb mystery hunts that Dipper used to tell me. I had a bell torture me my whole life and pretended to be someone who I’m not, and they just leave me after all that, only to come back to rub two years of lies in my face and nearly kill you.”

Pacifica then let out another loud yell.

“I just want them to suffer like me! Then we’ll see if they can still have stupid grins on their faces!”

Battra felt empowered by Pacifica’s inner darkness, and felt that with his bond with the girl that her wish should be granted.

Battra, now at his full strength after a beating by Rodan, began to crackle sudden energy bursts from his body, letting out a powerful and rage filled screeched fueled by Pacifica’s revealed hatred, making the ground rumble and anyone in the mansion inside panic from the commotion outside.

One final flash of energy blinded Pacifica, making her cover her eyes until she opened them to see what had happened to Battra.

It was as if Battra went through a metamorphosis. No longer was he a mere larva, but he was now in his true form, now sixty-five meters and appearing to have a black body that looked much like a moth’s but more rough, has a red line running down his body’s sides, six clawed legs perfect for grasping, and has sharp tipped bumps on his back, to go with his moth form, he also has very large wings in patterns of red, black and yellow, with three small yellow horns on his head and red eyes that were burning with the shared rage of himself and Pacifica, and now really looked the part of his name, having a more bat like appearance with insect features.

Battra laid by Pacifica, as if he was waiting for her to get on to go somewhere, who complied and climbed onto the demonic moth, just as lost in her emotions as Battra was and lifted off into the night sky.

As a show of his rage and power, Battra began to crackle purple energy from his eyes and looked right at the Northwest mansion, observing that everyone was now running out of the building in fear from Battra, who released two purple beams of energy at the mansion, more steady and focused than in his larva form, and instantly decimated more than half of the mansion from the one blast alone, causing a great explosion of debris and flame to erupt all over, giving Battra great pleasure for punishing those who were wicked to Pacifica, who shared the same feelings with Battra.

Battra released one more blast from his eyes, destroying the rest of the mansion before flying away, heading towards town and ready to cause more chaos for the sake of a shared rage between Battra and Pacifica, a shared interest and desire that they wanted to inflict upon Gravity Falls and its residents.



Disclaimer: I do not own Gravity Falls or Godzilla

So this chapter has some Kajiu combat, of course, which will lead to even more greater things to come in the next. It's also a bit darker but that's never a bad thing.
© 2015 - 2024 Dango45
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